case study of Know your customer on blockchain

I. Background and the challenge

This project was a part of my blockchain course, the idea behind this project was to provide third party organisations with a verified KYC of users stored on the blockchain. In India, where every app that is remotely closed to banking is required to have a KYC, a user using multiple banking apps has to submit multiple KYCs to the apps and each app has to verify the KYC using the government's chargeable API.

  • Course Work
  • UI/UX Designer
  • Developer
  • Truffle
  • React JS
  • Solidity
  • Ganache
  • UI Design
  • Development

II. Idea and design

This project aims to provide a comprehensive verification solution for both customers and companies, wherein customers have to upload their KYC details only once and the details will be saved on the blockchain, third party organisations or any banks can request the KYC of a customer, the customer can then accept or reject the request of sharing the details to a third party organisation.

III. Development

React truffle box was used in this project, it provides a boilerplate for the front end with react and solidity in the backend. Ganache server is used to provide an ethereum workspace allowing me test my app without deploying on the ethreum mainnet.

Eth to the moon! Thankyou forreading!

Chanakya Kilaru